Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jesse, Tricia, Brian, Aaron, Anna--Sept. '08

This summer was busy for us! The boys had summer school. Aaron loved it, his class was to get him used to kindergarten. Brian had summer school twice, the second session was a reading enhancement that jumped up his reading level 3 levels! We were so happy for him. Aaron also learned to ride a bike. We tried to teach him earlier in the spring, but it didn't work. In May, we took off the training wheels and he jumped on and took off. We bought a season pass the the local zoo and found out it gets us into other zoos around the state, so we did that on various day trips. Madison had the best zoo and Milwaukee had the hardest to find zoo.
This school year brought a lot of changes, Brian is in 2nd grade. His teacher is a lot of fun and he really likes her. The first day of school he told me "I looked around the classroom and think-what am I doing in 2nd grade? Only smart people are in 2nd grade!" Aaron likes school, but misses mom. He asked mom why school has to take so long everyday. He loves walking home like a big boy. They are growing up fast! We think that we have some future scientists/inventors on our hands. Last week, they came up with a surefire hornet trap and excitedly demonstrated it for me. Aaron stood ready with a rock the size of his fist and he planned to throw it at a hornet and Brian waited until the unfortunate hornet would fall to the ground and he planned to run it over with a wind up car from a McDonald's Happy Meal. Mom asked them what Plan B would be on the off chance that it didn't work and Brian said "Oh, I have my bubble gun and I will catch the hornet in the bubbles." Tricia and Jesse laughed so hard. They crack us up.
Anna is 1 already. We don't know where the past year has gone. She is cute and fun and very girly. She has a baby doll and a bunny and one of them goes with us everywhere we go, and she hugs them often. She doesn't crawl, she does the "scoot and slap". She sits and scoots forward and pulls with her hands. She gets around really fast and is into everything. We don't expect walking soon, typically kids on Tricia's side walk around 18 months. Her famous catchphrase is "What is it?" or "Who is it?". She adores the boys and was so lonely the first 2 weeks of school, she just moped around the house and followed Tricia hugging her ankles all day long. It's fun to have some Mother/daughter time with her. Anna is fun to play with.
Jesse is hoping to start teaching college this winter. He would like to get his PhD (that stands for Piled High and Deep in case you have ever wondered) and the best way to do that is to teach night school on the side. His favorite time of the week is the weekend when he can take the family to the library and the park. The boys like to be "chased". They run pell mell through the park and Jesse lopes like Shaggy from Scooby Do after them around the park. It's fun to watch.
Tricia has been busy sewing and upholstering. So far to date she has recovered 2 couches, 4 arm chairs, 2 rocking chairs and 2 footstools. Not to mention clothes and odds and ends for the baby. It's been fun learning new sewing techniques and her sewing has improved greatly. She had fun this summer doing science experiments with the boys. Did anyone else know that 20 Mule Team Borax makes a HUGE crystal in just 3 hours and Epsom Salts make hardly any crystal in 3 days? We also filtered dirty water with clean socks.
Also, if you will look in the October issue of the Ensign starting on page 25 and continuing on page 26, you will see a short submission regarding community service by Tricia Whitney. I sent it in last year and forgot about it. It's pretty cool to see one's own name in print in a magazine. I am stilll knitting hats and making blankets for the NICU, by the way, and have done approximately 200 hats and about 75 blankets to date. Please forgive me for bragging, I guess it's my "15 minutes of fame". :-)
Ensign article

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